domingo, outubro 30

Decorative Flourished Capital C

4 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

eu tenho a fonte armorial, é só me mandar um e-mail que lhes envio!

Will Temple disse...

Greetings, I am not writing in regards to this blog but, rather, to seek permissions to reproduce a sampling of your work (a specimen of the typeface Penabico)in an upcoming typography textbook. Is their a contact email I may have to send you the formal request?

We are also running behind schedule on our book so a prompt response would be fantastic!!

Thanks for your time and best regards,
Will Temple, Co-author, Typography and Context, Thames and Hudson Press, due out fall 2012

Will Temple disse...

my apologies, my email address:

Anônimo disse...

Ola, como posso contactar Intellecta Design? Tem e-mail?